What is vesti language?

LaTeX is a popular typescripting language around the world. In particular, when one is writting a document with many mathematical equations, then LaTeX is the good choice. I personally, write every documents with LaTeX, and I love it. However, LaTeX has some drawbacks. The critical one which I think is that it uses \begin{...} and \end{...} pair to open and close an environment, respectively. This kind of grammar is quite tetious if there is no snippet, or autocompletion features.

Here is a simple example of LaTeX document code:



This is a plain \LaTeX\ document.
        The minipage makes a box with width 0.4 textwidth.
    \hskip 1pc
        The minipage makes a box with width 0.4 textwidth.


The purpose of vesti typescripting language is somewhat replacement of LaTeX. Below vesti code makes a same pdf as the above LaTeX code generated.

docclass article (twocolumn)

importpkg {


This is a plain \LaTeX\ document.
useenv center {
    useenv minipage (0.4\textwidth) {
        The minipage makes a box with width 0.4 textwidth.
    \hskip 1pc
    useenv minipage (0.4\textwidth) {
        The minipage makes a box with width 0.4 textwidth.

Here is the simple diagram how vesti works: how-vesti-works

How to install?


The local machine where vesti is installed should have a latex to compile vesti into pdf. I explained the reason why latex is needed at the previous page. However, if you want to install with tectonic backend, you don't need to install latex in the local machine.

General Installation

You can install vesti using cargo: a rust package manager.

$ cargo install vesti

Using tectonic backend

Since tectonic itself requires several dependencies, you must check that all of the dependencies are installed. This link has a full list of dependencies.

After installing all dependencies, then run this command to install vesti with tectonic backend.

$ cargo install --features=tectonic-backend vesti

The Grammar of vesti

The grammar of vesti is similar with LaTeX in general. However, unlike LaTeX, vesti has keywords to write a document more easily.

Here is a full list of keywords (0.11.2-beta)

documentclass 작성

usepackage 작성

코맨트에 대하여

document 키워드

LaTeX코드를 넣기